The Benyfit Natural raw dog food 80*10*10 range contains 80% prime cuts of muscle meat, 10% bone,10% wholesome offal and absolutely nothing else. Devoured by dogs and loved by owners. Feed your dog with Benyfit Natural raw dog food and see a noticeable improvement to skin and coat, teeth and gums and digestion. The only food your dog needs.
Moisture 64.8%, Crude Protein 16.7%, Crude Fat 14.68%, Crude Ash 3.7%, Crude Fibre 0.3%, Calcium 0.9%, Phosphorous 0.6%, kcal/ 100g 183.
80% British Venison, 10% British Venison Bone, 5% British Ox Kidney, 5% British Ox Liver. May contain shot.
**Raw food only available for local delivery**
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